Hittin the Gym!

Ok so I'm back! Not just writing but I'm actually back in the gym! I love working out. It helps keep you in shape, great for stress, and great discipline. I was in the gym the other day and I noticed this man working out. You may have seen him in your gym. He's the man that stacks all the weights on and grunts and yells as he lifts. Then he slams the weights down not caring and showing that the weight is probably too heavy in the 1st place. But his mission is clear, he wants all to know he's the man!

Now I don't have a problem with serious lifters, but I do remember hearing some valuable advice from one of our strength and fitness coaches on the Raiders. He said, "Form is everything. It doesn't matter how much weight you're pushing if your form is wrong. You're just hurting yourself. It's better to lift lighter and get your form right."

So here's this guy lifting to show off and but his form is way off. Do I tell him anything? No, he's gonna look at me and see my 6'1 , 174lbs and say "bug off!" or maybe worse! lol. But like many times God begins to speak to me as I exercise. Many times the outside can look right, but the inside isn't right. And in reality the inside is where we need to start. There's an old song that says, "Jesus on the inside, working on the outside." the world believes and preaches that if you can work on the outside, you can fix the inside. And in God, it's the opposite, God works on the inside and then the outside seems to work itself out. So this week I'm working not on tons of stuff, but FORM.

Let's change the world, chris.

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