Little Drummer Boy
Merry Christmas from my family to yours! This is definitely my favorite time of the year. As I think about all the things that make up this season, i think about the tree, the lights, the gifts, church, family, and one of my favorites...the MUSIC!!! Seriously, after thanksgiving, it's all about the christmas music. I'm going to be vulnerable right here, but one of my all time favorite christmas albums is...drum roll please...Nsync!!! Yes I am not ashamed! lol.
Ok, ok, ok, but seriously, music plays a big part. Some amazing songs have been written about christmas. All with amazing meanings. My personal all time favorite is "Little Drummer Boy." I really believe it's because I connect with the whole meaning so well. It's an amazing metaphor of how many Christians view their lives within God's kingdom. So many times throughout life I have moments where I feel like i'm just insignificant, or not gifted. I remember in college I felt like EVERYONE could sing or play an instrument, except me! It's so easy to look at others and love what they have. A quote that keeps me in check says, "Comparison is the killer of contentment." By the way I still can't sing or play like them, but my "drumming" is preaching God's word! I don't feel like i'm the best, i know i'm not the best, but to Him (Jesus), I'm the best!
In "Little Drummer Boy" the author writes "I have no gift to bring...that's fit for a king." It goes on to say "I play my drum for Him...I played my best for Him... and then He smiled at me." Today don't get caught up in what's in everyone else's hands, but today focus in on what's in your hand! The drummer didn't say he didn't have a gift, his problem was that it wasn't fit for a king! What has God given you, that you can give right back to Him!? God is not interested in so much your ABILITY, as He is your AVAILABILITY! Make time for Him, take the little in your hand, and place it in His hand and watch him do what He did for the little boy in Luke chapter 9.
"Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to Heaven, He gave thanks and broke them. Then He gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people." -Luke 9:16
It goes on to say over 5,000 people ate and there was still more left over! Wow, what an incredible moment for those people, but also for that little boy. The boy could've said "I'll hook you up with one fish!" or "Yeah God, um here's just my bread!" But he gave the Lord his ALL. And God multiplied it to impact thousands. Today, you have a GIFT for God. It's unique, it has potential, and it was given to YOU by God. Maybe you sing? Dance? Write? Sew? Place your gift in HIS hands, and watch what only He can do. You see, if i had a golf ball it's worth $1 in my hands. But in Tiger Woods hands? It's worth $250 million! A football in my hands is worth maybe $75, but in Tom Brady's hands? $30 million dollars! The value comes from the one whose hands it's in. And we learn from the Bible that our lives with all of our gifts in our own hands can have INFLUENCE, but in the hands of God's you'll have IMPACT!
Be encouraged today, give Him your ALL and watch Him "Smile on you." It's worth it. Live like people's destinies are depending on your life, because they are.
PS- My favorite versions of Drummer Boy are from The Katinas and Pentatonix :) Get them, you'll thank me later!