Ok, ok, ok, i have to write something about this because i can't believe people are believing Lady Gaga is a Christian. I posted on my facebook about Lady Gagas song Judas and i was so surprised by the Christians who backed her up. So i want to break down her song and video for people so that there's NO confusion.
I have shared my story of how i worked in the music industry for 6 years. And though i wasn't living for God, i noticed alot of evil and witchcraft stuff going on. Everything from curses, devil symbols and devil worship, to perversion, to secret societies to witch doctors. And the gmae hasn't changed, just the faces and puppets that the devil is using.
So right before easter, Lady Gaga releases her hit song "Judas." Please hear my heart. I PRAY that these artists encounter Jesus and give their lives to Jesus. i do not want anyone to go to hell. God created Hell for the Devil. So in order to fully understand her video and song, you HAVE to understand the Bible. If you do not understand or have knowledge of God's word it will not make sense to you.
So she starts her video and plays "Mary Magdelene" the woman who Jesus saves in the Bible from being stoned to death. Where the classic scipture is found, "He with no sin, cast the first stone." The Davinci Code film tried to imply that Jesus had an intimate relationship with her, which is UNBIBLICAL and false. So Gaga plays Mary riding on Jesus' motorcycle as if to say "I'm with Christ, until i fall in love with the bad guy!" Throughout the video she reinacts different biblical scenes but changes them slightly to give a different false moral story to this demonic video. This video symbolizes her career and personal life. Rejecting Christ and leading into the "Age of Horus, choosing the Devil for fame and fortune." (Devil Worship)
So lets look at Judas from the bible. Why Judas? Here's some key scriptures about Judas.
Jesus replied, “Didn’t I choose you, the twelve, and yet one of you is the devil?” -John 6:70-71
Then one of the twelve, the one named Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What will you give me to betray him into your hands?” So they set out thirty silver coins for him. - Matthew 26:14-15 (Betrayed Jesus for wealth and stature.)
And after Judas took the piece of bread, Satan entered into him. Jesus said to him, “What you are about to do, do quickly.”- John 13:27 (The Devil himself literally took control of his life!)
In one scene Judas and Jesus are having a showdown and Gaga places lipstick on Judas before he kisses Jesus as if saying, "you have my blessing."
Another interesting thing about Judas' portrayal in this video is that he seems to "Do What he wants." He's seen drinking and grabbing girls throughout the video. This is Aleister Crowley's main theme in his satanic teachings. Crowley said the number one law was, "Do what thou wilt." So basically do whatever the heck you feel like. And yes that is also Jay Z's new clothing line as well!
The lyrics explain it all as well.
I’ll bring him down, bring him down, downShe talking about Jesus. in the video she's actively helping Judas take Jesus out. And we know thats what her music is trying to do as well!
A king with no crown, king with no crown
Do i really need to explain more? If thats not enough there are many occultic symbols throughout. One of her dancers is wearing a shirt with Baphomet on it. This is the symbol satan worshippers use for sacrifices.I wanna love you,
But something’s pulling me away from you
Jesus is my virtue,
Judas is the demon I cling to

And last but not least the closing scene shows Gaga laying on the floor dead with stones all around her. We know the Bible says that the woman was not killed because people dropped their stones and were convicted from the words of Jesus. But Gaga makes a huge statement by trying to convince her audience that "Jesus cannot save you!" Hence she was stoned by the people.
People, the devil is using these celebrities to shape what you think about God.
Do NOT let Godless peaople tell you who God IS!!!!! Read the Holy Bible. Find a Christian church that is Bible believing and is living out the scriptures daily to help you learn about God.
I pray you gaurd yourself from the music and media of this world. I can share stories of artists that i know personally that have been demon possesed and delivered by God that can testify. Remember garbage in, garbage out! Let's take a stand for our Holy God. We are in a spiritual battle. Pass this on. Let the truth of God be put into action so that you can be set free.
Awesome Truth Pastor Chris!