Position is Priority
"These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and heavens and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew. For the Lord God had NOT caused it to RAIN upon the earth, and there was NOT a man to till the ground." -Genesis 2:4-5

The Bible says that at the beginning of creation God had not caused it to rain upon the earth. This does not mean that the earth was without water. up to this time, God had caused a mist to come up from the earth to give moisture to the earth. There just had been no DOWN pour.
Why? There was no man to till the ground. Man was not in position yet.
Things must be in place before God will act.
There are some things that God has planned to do, has made provisions for doing, and desires to do that He will not do until man is in place to recieve what God intends to give.
The blessing is there, in Gods safe keeping. The need is there but the blessing will not be released until mans heart is in position for God to act according to His own laws of redemption, healing, and deliverance.
We need to be in position. Positioning was the difference between Mary and Martha. One sat at the feet of Jesus and one was busy trying to do things for God. Positioning made the difference for the city of Nazareth. Jesus returned to His hometown to "do miracles" but could not. He desired to heal and move in miracles but the people were not in spiritual position.
You may be experiencing a "Mist" but you know in your spirit there is more. This week ask yourself "Is God waiting on me to be in a different spiritual position before He pours out His rain on my life?"
Remember before God created man, He created everything man needed first! You have everything you need to be all that God desires. He's not looking for abilities, He's looking for your best! Give Him your best this week, and watch your life shift into position for God to pour out His rain of peace, self control, joy, and more!!!
Blessings, Chris
The Bible says that at the beginning of creation God had not caused it to rain upon the earth. This does not mean that the earth was without water. up to this time, God had caused a mist to come up from the earth to give moisture to the earth. There just had been no DOWN pour.
Why? There was no man to till the ground. Man was not in position yet.
Things must be in place before God will act.
There are some things that God has planned to do, has made provisions for doing, and desires to do that He will not do until man is in place to recieve what God intends to give.
The blessing is there, in Gods safe keeping. The need is there but the blessing will not be released until mans heart is in position for God to act according to His own laws of redemption, healing, and deliverance.
We need to be in position. Positioning was the difference between Mary and Martha. One sat at the feet of Jesus and one was busy trying to do things for God. Positioning made the difference for the city of Nazareth. Jesus returned to His hometown to "do miracles" but could not. He desired to heal and move in miracles but the people were not in spiritual position.
You may be experiencing a "Mist" but you know in your spirit there is more. This week ask yourself "Is God waiting on me to be in a different spiritual position before He pours out His rain on my life?"
Remember before God created man, He created everything man needed first! You have everything you need to be all that God desires. He's not looking for abilities, He's looking for your best! Give Him your best this week, and watch your life shift into position for God to pour out His rain of peace, self control, joy, and more!!!
Blessings, Chris